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Section: New Results

Dynamic Languages: Language Constructs for Modular Design

An Experiment with Lexically-bound Extension Methods for a Dynamic Language. An extension method is a method declared in a package other than the package of its host class. Thanks to extension methods, developers can adapt classes they do not own to their needs: adding methods to core classes is a typical use case. This is particularly useful for adapting software and therefore increasing reusability. In most dynamically-typed languages, extension methods are globally visible. Because any developer can define extension methods for any class, naming conflicts occur: if two developers define an extension method with the same signature in the same class, only one extension method is visible and overwrites the other. Similarly, if two developers each define an extension method with the same name in a class hierarchy, one overrides the other. Existing solutions typically rely on a dedicated and slow method lookup algorithm to resolve conflicts at runtime. We present a model of scoped extension methods that minimizes accidental overrides and we present an implementation in Pharo that incurs little performance overhead. This implementation is based on lexical scope and hierarchy-first strategy for extension scoping. [44]

Scoped Extension Methods in Dynamically-Typed Languages. An extension method is a method declared in a package other than the package of its host class. Thanks to extension methods, developers can adapt to their needs classes they do not own: adding methods to core classes is a typical use case. This is particularly useful for adapting software and therefore to increase reusability. Inquiry. In most dynamically-typed languages, extension methods are globally visible. Because any developer can define extension methods for any class, naming conflicts occur: if two developers define an extension method with the same signature in the same class, only one extension method is visible and overwrites the other. Similarly, if two developers each define an extension method with the same name in a class hierarchy, one overrides the other. To avoid such accidental overrides, some dynamically-typed languages limit the visibility of an extension method to a particular scope. However, their semantics have not been fully described and compared. In addition, these solutions typically rely on a dedicated and slow method lookup algorithm to resolve conflicts at runtime. Approach. In this article, we present a formalization of the underlying models of Ruby refinements, Groovy categories, Classboxes, and Method Shelters that are scoping extension method solutions in dynamically-typed languages. Knowledge. Our formal framework allows us to objectively compare and analyze the shortcomings of the studied solutions and other different approaches such as MultiJava. In addition, language designers can use our formal framework to determine which mechanism has less risk of accidental overrides. Grounding. Our comparison and analysis of existing solutions is grounded because it is based on denotational semantics formalizations. Importance. Extension methods are widely used in programming languages that support them, especially dynamically-typed languages such as Pharo, Ruby or Python. However, without a carefully designed mechanism, this feature can cause insidious hidden bugs or can be voluntarily used to gain access to protected operations, violate encapsulation or break fundamental invariants. [17]

First-Class Undefined Classes for Pharo: From Alternative Designs to a Unified Practical Solution. Loading code inside a Pharo image is a daily concern for a Pharo developer. Nevertheless, several problems may arise at loading time that can prevent the code to load or even worse let the system in an inconsistent state. We focus on the problem of loading code that references a class that does not exist in the system. We discuss the different flavors of this problem, the limitations of the existing Undeclared mechanism and the heterogeneity of Pharo tools to solve it. Then, we propose an unified solution for Pharo that reifies Undefined Classes. Our model of Undefined Classes is the result of an objective selection among different alternatives. We then validate our solution through two cases studies: migrating old code and loading code with circular dependencies. We also present the integration of this solution into Pharo regarding the needed Meta-Object Protocol for Undefined Classes and the required modifications of existing tools. [30]

Run-Fail-Grow: Creating Tailored Object-Oriented Runtimes. Producing a small deployment version of an application is a challenge because static abstractions such as packages cannot anticipate the use of their parts at runtime. Thus, an application often occupies more memory than actually needed. Tailoring is one of the main solutions to this problem i.e., extracting used code units such as classes and methods of an application. However, existing tailoring techniques are mostly based on static type annotations. These techniques cannot efficiently tailor applications in all their extent (e.g., runtime object graphs and metadata) nor be used in the context of dynamically-typed languages. We propose a run-fail-grow technique to tailor applications using their runtime execution. Run-fail-grow launches (a) a reference application containing the original application to tailor and (b) a nurtured application containing only a seed with a minimal set of code units the user wants to ensure in the final application. The nurtured application is executed, failing when it founds missing objects, classes or methods. On failure, the necessary elements are installed into the nurtured application from the reference one, and the execution resumes. The nurtured application is executed until it finishes, or until the developer explicitly finishes it, for example in the case of a web application. resulting in an object memory (i.e., a heap) with only objects, classes and methods required to execute the application. To validate our approach we implemented a tool based on Virtual Machine modifications, namely Tornado. Tornado succeeds to create very small memory footprint versions of applications e.g., a simple object-oriented heap of 11kb. We show how tailoring works on application code, base and third-party libraries even supporting human interaction with user G. interfaces. These experiments show memory savings ranging from 95% to 99%. [18]